Wednesday, April 18, 2012


This is a fun project to do at home or in a class room. If you don’t have plastic bags to spare, I am sure your friends will, you may also reuse tissue paper.At home we chose to decorate our bare tree in our backyard.

You will need:

·        Used plastic bags (the noisy kind) . Each flower requires 10-12 single sheets of nylon (5-6 plastic bags)
·        Scissors
·        Pipe cleaner
·        String
How to:

·        Flatten all plastic bags, pile them one on top of the other, and smooth them straight.  If you have different size bags, organize them by size.
·        Trim handles and bottom of bags. You should have the bags as tubes now, stretch them out and keep them flat.
·        Trim sides, so you have single sheets.
·        Fold the sheets of nylon stacked on top of each other like an accordion.
·        Twist the pipe cleaner over the center of the accordion; you may make a small loop at the end of the pipe cleaner so you can tie a string to it.
·        Trim both ends into either a pointy shape or a curved shape as desired.
·        Fan out the ends into a butterfly shape.
·        Open up the flower by peeling each layer separately. Do the same on both sides.
·        Fluff the layers of nylon to get a full and puffy flower. Give it a little hair cut if needed.

Things to think about:
·        Depending on the plastic bags you have, you may make nice color combination.
·        The flowers are great for outside as well as inside
·        An easy and inexpensive solution for a birth day decoration
·        If you make them smaller, you may use the pipe cleaner that ties the flowers as the stem.

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